Sunday, January 1, 2012

Our Mission Begins

January 1, 2012

Happy New Year to All. Attended Church today in our new Branch (Senior couples and young Elders). We attend just a couple of blocks from our apt. After church we bundled up and walked underground from our apt. to Temple Square for one last look at the Square with Christmas lights.

We've gone to two Temples since moving here just over 2 weeks ago. (Salt Lake Temple and Oquirrh Mountain Temple) Tomorrow we go to the MTC in Provo for a week. Then, Jan. 9, we begin working in the Church Office Building (COB), 17th floor. We are so excited.

We've been able to walk Temple Square nearly every day. We go down from our apt. (40 N. State St., Apt. 2D, Salt Lake City, UT 84103) to the parking garage to walk through the underground tunnel under State Street to Temple Square (we can go to the Joseph Smith Memorial Building, the Temple, our office building-the COB, the Lion House, Temple Square, and the Relief Society Building). This is the same tunnel the Brethren use.

We live in the same Apt. building that Elder Ballard and Elder Oaks live in, and Pres. Monson has an apt. here too, but spends time also in his home in Salt Lake City. We've met Elder Ballard twice since moving in. Elder Ballard was kind and such a gentleman. It felt calm and peaceful just being around him.

We've had the opportunity to spend time with our kids and grand kids and loved every minute. We have attended Music and the Spoken Word twice, both in the Conference Center. Next week they return to the Tabernacle. What a choice experience they both were. The first one, the special Christmas one, after the half hour performance that is sent via Television, Lloyd Newal announced that we were in for a treat...the Choir along with orchestra, dancers and Bells on Temple Square presented an hour concert for us. It was a full house in the Conference Center. We didn't know we had to have tickets for that special Music and the Spoken Word that Sunday before Christmas. So, we had to go to the Tabernacle to await and see if we could get in. Tickets are free, but that way they control the total number. We were fortunate and able to be in the balcony.

Elder and Sister Brandon