Wednesday, November 6, 2013

finally an update

Well, we didn't keep up with our  blog like we so busy with the Mission we just plan forgot. We have been home about 4 months now, living in Silverton, OR in a new home built by our contractor son. We love it here and are excited to be back in the Northwest. We loved our Mission and truly would do it again. The young Elders we served (we, in effect, became Mission President to them. Our Mission had over 1100 missionaries plus these 80 young Elders who couldn't serve prosyleting missions due to Asperger's, ADHD, Bi-polar, OCD, etc, but could serve a full-time, 24 month mission at the Family and Church History Headquarters Mission in Salt Lake City. They lived in apts. about 2 blocks from Temple Square. We grew to love these young Elders so much. Carrie was a great Mission Mother.)

Silverton is a small town about 15 miles north/east of Salem, OR. We have a great ward. We were called to be Den Leaders of the 8 year olds (wolves). But, last week I was interviewd by a member of the Stake Presidency and called to be Stake Sunday School President. We serve as ordinance workers in the Portland Temple on Friday mid-shift.

We both would encourage any "seniors" reading this to prepare for and go on a full-time mission. It was great.
Terry & Carrie Brandon

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Spring is on it's way!!

Hi!! We love being missionaries, and love living across from Temple Square.
We took this photo on our way back from Music and The Spoken Word this morning. It was a cool and brisk walk. Well at least part way, the remainder of the walk was underground. We have the opportunity of going each Sunday morning to hear the Choir!!! It is the highlight of our day!!

This is the view of the Temple from outside our living room window!! Of course we have to open our window, through open the sash and hang our heads out!!

Friday night we had the opportunity of going to a symposium featuring Elder M. Russell Ballard. He spoke about his great-grandfather--Joseph F. Smith, what a wonderful spirit we felt. It was especially touching when he shared what his great-father said about his father, Hyrum Smith as he and Joseph left for Carthage. It wasn't so much the words that were spoken, but the spirit and the emotion that we felt. There wasn't a dry in the audience.

Elder Ballard is 84 years old, and his wife of 61 years was with him (it was cute to see them hold hands before they spoke). We've had the opportunity to speak with him a few times.

We've also had the opportunity to talk with Elder Oakes, and a few of the Seventy since our last blog.

Sister Brandon has taken has taken 2 classes, on on ProVision and the other PowerPoint--and loving it. Elder Brandon also took the ProVision class and is enjoying it also. Tomorrow we're taking an Excel class. The classes are offered by the church and are free to employees and some missionaries.

Our testimonies continue to be strengthened by our experiences here. We continue to love reading the Book of Mormon together on daily basis. We testify that President Monson is a Prophet of God, and that Jesus Christ guides the Church through him.

Elder and Sister Brandon

Monday, January 16, 2012

Elder and Sister Brandon at the MTC with some of our classmates and one of our favorite instructors, Brother Barney !! We loved the MTC, met some great senior missionaries and some great instructors. Our instructors had touching testimonies. The young elders and sisters were so fun!! The food was great, and too much of it!!!!
Temple square during the Christmas Season, a very calming, spiritual experience. We went on Temple Square everyday.
This is the Church Office Building (COB) where we are serving our mission. We serve on the 17th floor, in the finance and records department. Our first day we were shown the outside stairs--just in case we ever need to evacuate!! Pray for us, please!!!!
This a picture we took from just outside of our apartment!! This is probably our favorite picture of the Salt Lake Temple.
We have been so blessed!!! On the first day of our mission at the COB, we were walking home through the underground tunnel. We heard a sound and stopped to look behind us and we had no idea who it was--it was two men in dark suits riding in one of the carts. We quickly walked to the end of the tunnel, and waited to see who it was-- it was President Monson!! He stopped and spoke with us. What a wonderful experience it was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our hearts were leeping!!!!!!!!!!!! This last week we went to the mission's temple devotional to hear Elder Nash of the Seventy. A day or two later we rode in the JSMB elevator with Elder Hinckley (President Gordon B. Hinckley's son, one of the Seventy).

Our mission is keeping us very busy!! We enjoy Brother George Cannon--the man we work for--he works for the Lord!! It is great working for the Lord and those who serve him. We enjoy having devotionals almost daily--this really invites the spirit.

We are fortunate to be able to attend Music and the Spoken Word each Sunday--what a great way to begin the Sabbath Day.

Elder and Sister Brrrrrrrrrandon--it is very cold here!!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Our Mission Begins

January 1, 2012

Happy New Year to All. Attended Church today in our new Branch (Senior couples and young Elders). We attend just a couple of blocks from our apt. After church we bundled up and walked underground from our apt. to Temple Square for one last look at the Square with Christmas lights.

We've gone to two Temples since moving here just over 2 weeks ago. (Salt Lake Temple and Oquirrh Mountain Temple) Tomorrow we go to the MTC in Provo for a week. Then, Jan. 9, we begin working in the Church Office Building (COB), 17th floor. We are so excited.

We've been able to walk Temple Square nearly every day. We go down from our apt. (40 N. State St., Apt. 2D, Salt Lake City, UT 84103) to the parking garage to walk through the underground tunnel under State Street to Temple Square (we can go to the Joseph Smith Memorial Building, the Temple, our office building-the COB, the Lion House, Temple Square, and the Relief Society Building). This is the same tunnel the Brethren use.

We live in the same Apt. building that Elder Ballard and Elder Oaks live in, and Pres. Monson has an apt. here too, but spends time also in his home in Salt Lake City. We've met Elder Ballard twice since moving in. Elder Ballard was kind and such a gentleman. It felt calm and peaceful just being around him.

We've had the opportunity to spend time with our kids and grand kids and loved every minute. We have attended Music and the Spoken Word twice, both in the Conference Center. Next week they return to the Tabernacle. What a choice experience they both were. The first one, the special Christmas one, after the half hour performance that is sent via Television, Lloyd Newal announced that we were in for a treat...the Choir along with orchestra, dancers and Bells on Temple Square presented an hour concert for us. It was a full house in the Conference Center. We didn't know we had to have tickets for that special Music and the Spoken Word that Sunday before Christmas. So, we had to go to the Tabernacle to await and see if we could get in. Tickets are free, but that way they control the total number. We were fortunate and able to be in the balcony.

Elder and Sister Brandon