Wednesday, November 6, 2013

finally an update

Well, we didn't keep up with our  blog like we so busy with the Mission we just plan forgot. We have been home about 4 months now, living in Silverton, OR in a new home built by our contractor son. We love it here and are excited to be back in the Northwest. We loved our Mission and truly would do it again. The young Elders we served (we, in effect, became Mission President to them. Our Mission had over 1100 missionaries plus these 80 young Elders who couldn't serve prosyleting missions due to Asperger's, ADHD, Bi-polar, OCD, etc, but could serve a full-time, 24 month mission at the Family and Church History Headquarters Mission in Salt Lake City. They lived in apts. about 2 blocks from Temple Square. We grew to love these young Elders so much. Carrie was a great Mission Mother.)

Silverton is a small town about 15 miles north/east of Salem, OR. We have a great ward. We were called to be Den Leaders of the 8 year olds (wolves). But, last week I was interviewd by a member of the Stake Presidency and called to be Stake Sunday School President. We serve as ordinance workers in the Portland Temple on Friday mid-shift.

We both would encourage any "seniors" reading this to prepare for and go on a full-time mission. It was great.
Terry & Carrie Brandon